El Bob finally takes a trip back to his homeland, in Puerto Rico after four years. This trip was a new experience and he really enjoyed it, but there’s definitely so much more to see and hopefully more trips back in the future.

El Bob’s first official meal in Puerto Rico was a delicious empanada.

El Bob visits the Arecibo Observatory for the first time and checks out the small scale version first.

El Bob is ready to lecture.

El Bob checks out the blueprint for the giant radio telescope.

El Bob is amazed at the location of this giant dish, in the middle of the hills.

El Bob wonders how many of him can fit into this dish.

El Bob asks for lunch recommendations.

Of course, El Bob tries the chicken and rice.

El Bob made sure to wait an hour before swimming.

El Bob always attracts attention from the ladies.

El Bob prefers to lay on bellies.

After a hot day, El Bob needs to cool off with some froyo.

El Bob likes the Yogen Früz logo.

El Bob orders up a lobster paella.

El Bob enjoying juevos, tostadas, and cafe con leche. El Bob gave the jamon to the lady.

El Bob enters into the beautiful home of Sylvia.

El Bob loves the vintage cameras.

El Bob on a beautiful red hammock.

El Bob enjoys the peace and tranquility of the home.

El Bob enjoys another hammock seat.

El Bob takes a peek through the windows.

El Bob discusses current events with Mr Zebra.

El Bob waits patiently for birds.

El Bob talks about home to Mr Bird.

El Bob finds more shelter from the sun.

El Bob has never seen a prettier staircase.

El Bob loves Malda and Pippa.

El Bob is definately loving his adventures.

El Bob stops by Ponyland owned by Kory.

El Bob prepares for a ride.

El Bob arrives at Vieques!

El Bob visits the oldest 400 year old tree on the island.

El Bob runs free on the grass plains.

El Bob riding a large cannon.

El Bob visits the Fort of Vieques.

El Bob makes a hike to see the black sands of Vieques. See you later Puerto Rico, until next time!